Home / Latex Moulds / Latex Moulds 142 Products Latex Moulds Handcrafted Latex Moulds Filter Group Animal Book Ends Buddha Fantasy Gnome Goddess Halloween Heart Japanese Latex Mould Mold Mushroom Stone Head Symbol Viking Design Barn Owl Bear Head Bird Book Ends Buddha Cat Cherub Chicken Chipmunk Dog Dragon Dragon Head Earth Mother Elephant Fantasy Fish Floral Unicorn Fox Frog Garden Snail Gargoyle Gnome Green Lady Green Man Hamsa Hand Happy Mole Hare Heart Hedgehog Jizo Leaf Lion Loki Moon Moon & Stars Mouse Mushroom Owl Pagan Plaque Pug Pumpkin Rabbit Rhino Sheep Skull Squirrel Stoney Face Teddy Bear Tiger Tortoise Tree face Welcome Gnome Welcome to my Garden Wolf Head Clear filters Sort Sort by:Most popularWhat's newPrice low to highPrice high to lowName A to ZName Z to A Showing products 1 to 96 of 142 Sort by:Most popularWhat's newPrice low to highPrice high to lowName A to ZName Z to A Smaller Gargoyle Latex Mould £34.00 Gargoyle Latex Mould £35.00 Gargoyle Bust Small Latex Mould £16.00 Sleeping Dragon Garden Ornament Latex Mould £20.00 Dragon Ornament Latex Mould £26.00 Gnome on a Barrel Mould £18.00 In Loving Memory Heart Mould £12.00 Large Heart Mould £17.00 New Sheep Latex Mould £15.00 Single Hand Latex Mould £15.00 Sun and Moon Large Round Mould £16.00 Biker Helmet Skull Latex Mould £20.00 Skull with Beanie Hat Latex Mould £20.00 Skull and Rose Latex Mould £20.00 Skull Latex Mould Halloween £18.00 Floral Candy Skull Latex Mould £20.00 Lion Head Wall Plaque Latex Mould £23.00 Leopard Head Mould £23.00 Tiger Head Latex Mould £20.00 Large Bear Head Plaque Latex Mould £20.00 Latex Mould to Create a Large Wolf Head Plaque £23.00 Large Hedgehog Latex Mould £18.00 Viking Wall Plaque Latex Mould £20.00 Rabbit Family Latex Mould £20.00 Rhino latex Mold £15.00 Elephant Latex Mould £15.00 Smiler Gargoyle Latex Mould £27.00 Thoughtful Gargoyle Mould £26.00 Fox Ornament Latex Mould £20.00 Happy Mole Latex Moluld £18.00 Double Heart Latex Mould £20.00 Latex Mould to Make a Floral Embossed Heart Ornament £20.00 Latex Mould to Make this Hedgehog with a Apple Ornament £15.00 Detailed Owl Latex Mould Best Seller £18.00 Large Wooden Look Detailed Owl Latex Mould Best Seller £20.00 Chicken Hen Easter Latex Mould £23.00 Hedgehog Latex Mould £18.00 Jizo Latex Mould £15.00 Squirrel Latex Mould £18.00 Latex Mould to make a cute Squirrel with a Acorn ornament £16.00 Bird on a Stone Garden Latex Mould £18.00 Latex Moulds to create these 3 Swallows £25.00 Cherub Latex Mould £12.00 Tortoise Mould £20.00 Life Like Frog Mould £20.00 Moon Gazing Cat Latex Mould £14.00 Driftwood Cat Latex Mould £20.00 Latex Mould to make Tall Sitting Cat Ornament £18.00 Sleeping Cat Latex Mould £20.00 Latex Mould to make Tall Art Deco Cat Ornament £18.00 Meditating Cat Latex Mould £18.00 Coffee Cool Frog Latex Mould £20.00 New Large Gnome with Butterfly Latex Mould £22.00 Woodland Gnome Latex Mould £18.00 Mould To Make This Tall Gnome, Wizard £28.00 Gnome with Bird Latex Mould £18.00 Gnome with Spade Latex Mould £20.00 Large Lady Gnome Latex Mould £25.00 Mould To Make This Cute Gnome, Wizard Ornament, Garden Or Home £28.00 Gardening Gnome Mould (Blue), Latex Mould £20.00 Large Gnome Mould £25.00 Gnome Garden Ornament, Latex Mould £20.00 Drift Wood Lion Latex Mould £30.00 Earth Mother Latex Mould £22.00 Green Lady Goddess Mould £20.00 Meditating Mindful Dog Ornament Latex Mould Best seller £18.00 Latex Mould For Angel Wing Bookends Art & Crafts Hobby Business £35.00 Leaf Latex Mould £15.00 Love Blooms Here Gnome Plaque Latex Rubber Mould £12.00 Welcome to my Garden Gnome Plaque £12.00 Owl Incence Burner Candle Holder Latex Mould £20.00 Latex Craft Mould To Make Cute Teddy Bear £16.00 Latex Craft Mould To Make Super Star Teddy Bear £16.00 Latex Craft Mould To Make Teddy Bear £18.00 Sitting Yoga Elephant Latex Mould Hand made latex rubber mold £18.00 Latex Mould to make Stoney Face Ornament £18.00 Sad Stone Face Latex Mould £18.00 Whale Succulent Holder Mould £15.00 Bull Terrier Latex Mould £26.00 Sitting Dog Ornament Latex Mould £25.00 French Bulldog Latex Mould Dog Mold £15.00 Latex Mould To Create This Dog Ornament £25.00 Dragon Head Tealight Candle Holder Mould Best seller £20.00 Latex Mould to make this Serene Sitting Cat Ornament £16.00 Springer Spaniel Puppy Mould Dog Mold £15.00 Smaller Hedgehog Latex Mould £14.00 Happy Hedgehog Latex Mould £20.00 Large Standing Hedgehog Latex Mould £20.00 Garden Rabbit Mould £20.00 Garden Rabbit Mould - New Design £20.00 Latex Mould to make a Rabbit Ornament, £20.00 Moon Gazing Hare Latex Mould Best seller £23.00 Geometric Rabbit Latex Mould £20.00 Buddha Head Plaque Latex Mould £24.00 Latex Mould To Make Cute Happy Garden Toadstool Mushroom Ornament Arts & Crafts £20.00 Latex Rubber Mould to Make this Cute Mushroom, Toadstool £18.00 12 Next page >